Sarah Klee Hood NY-22 Democractic female candidate Central New York
Sarah Klee Hood NY-22 NY-24 democratic candidate


Help Sarah's message reach our district!

Central New York deserves a representative in Congress who's there to serve the public interest, not special interests. We need representatives fighting for Americans harder than lobbyists fight for corporations. We need legislation created by everyday Americans because we know where the system is broken and how to fix it.

Sarah's campaign is not fueled by big money or political insiders. She's a veteran, a mom, public servant and one of us. Let's send Sarah to Washington - she knows how to get things done.

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Sarah is running for Congress in NY-22 (formerly NY-24) because our community needs a champion. As a Central New York native, Sarah understands our past and is already working to improve our future through her work in climate policy, small business development, and job creation.
The status quo hasn’t worked for us here in upstate NY. And it’s time to elect a representative who has a proven track record of doing the work for our community, to help drive our local economy.
Sarah Klee Hood;democrat;vet;mother;elected;NY22;NY24;katko;tenney;environment;female;WFP;canole;riley;fajansturner;holden;black brown community;environment;healthcare;social justice;elder

Sarah had the privilege to serve our country as an Air Force officer. It is from her service that she's seen how affordable healthcare, childcare, education, and job opportunities can transform the trajectory of lives. And, she believes that everyone should have the same benefits she did.

Sarah had the privilege to serve our country as an Air Force officer. It is from her service that she's seen how affordable healthcare, childcare, education, and job opportunities can transform the trajectory of lives. And, she believes that everyone should have the same benefits she did.

not a dollar from the middle class. we close the tax loopholes for corporations and top earners.